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Friday 14 October 2011

Quit Smoking and Stop Emphysema

By Tom K Marshall

As a Quit Smoking Specialist I see smokers with emphysema nearly every day. Although they may vary in the severity of the disease that they may suffer from, they all have one thing in common.

They would give anything to be able to go back in time and quit smoking before they developed emphysema.

Here's a question - As a smoker, how far along the emphysema path are you at the moment? Right now?

To answer this let's have a look at what emphysema is. Emphysema is a disease of the lung where parts of the lung have been so damaged that they are dead. Some smokers have what is known as 'spotty emphysema' where there are lots of small bits of dead lung everywhere. Others have more major chunks that are dead.

In any case once that part of the lung is dead, it's dead. There is nothing you can do for it. There is no cure or drug that can fix it.

If you cut your finger, the finger will heal. However, this is very different. The lung is a very fragile organ. Once you kill parts of the lung, it's dead - forever. You will never get that lung capacity back. Think about that next time you drag back on that cigarette!

Now, if you are reading this and you are a smoker I guess you will be in one of 2 categories - pre-emphysema or post-emphysema.

You don't have emphysema yet. Good! You may be aware that you get short of breath much quicker than you used to. You may have some of that disgusting phlegm and mucus in your throat in the mornings. Or a bit of an annoying cough that won't go away. Think about this - your lungs are being physically damaged from the cigarettes.

This is just your body's way of getting your attention. Your body is screaming out, "Hello! Lungs are being damaged here! Can we stop this before it's too late!"

So, stop ignoring these signs. Ensure you quit before you cause permanent damage.Being a non-smoker is a beautiful new way to live your life. Your body and your lungs will love you for it!

Ok, so you have been diagnosed with emphysema. Parts of your lungs have been damaged permanently. I'm sorry to hear this but we must now move on and make the best of the situation.

Now this is absolutely imperative that you quit smoking as soon as you can. The remaining healthy parts of your lungs need to have the best possible chance to heal without further damage. This will dramatically improve your prospects of being able to breathe in as much oxygen as possible. And we all need oxygen, that's for sure!

Your doctor will be giving you the best advice on what you should be doing now. There are a variety of medicines available that can help, and depending on the severity of your particular case, they will prescribe particular ones. Following the advice of your medical professional will give you the best chance of living as near a normal life as possible.

Take action to stop smoking. Every day makes a difference. You can do it! [http://www-quit-smoking.com/free-quit-smoking-e-course/]Click Here Now to receive your Free Quit Smoking E-Course.

This will give you all the support and tips you need to definitely Quit Smoking for good! [http://www-quit-smoking.com/free-quit-smoking-e-course/]Check it out here!

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Quit-Smoking-and-Stop-Emphysema&id=6150510] Quit Smoking and Stop Emphysema

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